Track multiple shipments, run reports, and get access to documents and images in one convenient place—an easy-to-use, personalized tracking dashboard.
From single-package tracking to bulk-package tracking, you’ve got options.
If you’re a shipper or business who wants to… | And be able to… | This is the ideal tracking tool for you. |
Manage up to 20,000 active shipments, without having to enter individual FedEx tracking or reference numbers. | See a list of estimated delivery time windows for all of your shipments; customize views and reports; access tracking documents and images; and send notifications to recipients via email. | |
Track up to 30 packages by entering individual FedEx tracking or reference numbers. | See an estimated delivery time window and use the tool to manage some aspects of the delivery process (e.g., request a redirect, address change, or vacation hold). | |
Track a shipment’s status, as a recipient, throughout the delivery process. | Get more visibility of your shipment throughout the delivery process than with standard tracking; request redirects or address changes; schedule a delivery time; and even give delivery placement instructions. |
You can also track a package by:
delivery hours and service times, missed deliveries, returns, and much more.